What is a good place to ask about an issue with se...
# ory-network
What is a good place to ask about an issue with session redirect? I am coming from a provider which would POST to a known callback URL with data I could decode and use to complete the workflow. Using Ory Proxy, Managed UI I am able to redirect as a GET to my desired route, but there is no cookie set. I think I should use the ToSession method, but without a cookie it seems like not the right approach. Any examples using Go would be great. I suspect after I get this solved I will need to create a middleware which checks that a user is logged in 🙂. Thanks for your work on Ory Cloud!
So redirects will usually be 303s which result in GET. What would be your use case?
The issue is less the verb, the app can adjust. I'm trying to wrap my mind around post login redirect logic. For instance should the redirect URL be the port of the app or the proxy?
My redirect is just a path. Should the post redirect default URL be the ory proxy url i use locally?
At this stage I'm parsing the node example to go. But how to handle redirects is a blind spot after actions bc my app is not getting the cookie.
Hey @User, this fell probably off our radar sorry! Did you figure out the redirect?
Hey! I didn't. I had to jump on a different project but definitely would like to hop in
Ok! I will write some Go SDK docs in the next days, hopefully we can answer your question there also. If it is not too much to ask, could you open an issue for your problem? It is hard to keep track of things in Slack sometimes 😓
Yes I can. Just lmk which repo. Ideally a Go running example, similar to node/react would be solid
https://github.com/ory/cloud is probably the best one for this 👍