I keep running into ‘Session not resumable’ errors...
# ory-network
I keep running into ‘Session not resumable’ errors when trying to log into (Google account) the console. Clearing cookies works but is getting old. What’s the root cause I’m missing here?
Hey, thanks for flagging this! I can't seem to reproduce this across multiple accounts in any of our environments, could you please PM me: • Which browser you're using • Console errors, if any • A screenshot or screen recording would be helpful! Please also make sure that none of your browser extensions are messing with this process :)
I’ll go look for extension interference first. I have to admit I may have reported a false bug or two in my day because of it. 🙂 If that’s not it, I’ll grab whatever information you’d like.
I was not able to reproduce in a new Chrome incognito window
Version 96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (x86_64)
. There are some extension differences. 1. Logged into Google account 2. Went to ory cloud and signed in with google account. 3. Was given 2FA OTP form as expected. (normally this is where I get the error.) I’ll go back to trying to pin it down in my regular browser window to see what’s getting in the way or what. Thanks.
I’ve sent you a screen recording and a few things directly.
Zach, thank you! We have heard a couple of complaints about this and traced the underlying issue. The problem is that there are two
cookies in the browser. Please, if you can, can you please show the Chrome DevTools
Application -> Cookies
window when it shows a cookie called
? This appears to be a new issue and I think it is some type of regression which causes the cookie to be set and sent twice. I'm currently working on extending the underlying libraries so that they can deal with multiple cookies and pick the correct one. Thank you!
And even better would be, if you can find the request that send the cookie twice (
Set-Cookie: ory_kratos_continuity
). I have been trying to reproduce this issue for several days but I am unable to understand when it happens. If you have a reproducible case that would help immensly
On my side, I think I have a reproducible case. Just go to sign in, then google, and select an account that is not used already on ory cloud. It will redirect you to the sign up page, then just go back using the arrow in the browser, and select your correct google account. It should redirect you to this error, at least it is the case on my side
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Was able to reproduce the error using Thomas Schallers method. I cant see any
cookies however.
Yes, I was also able to repro it and have a solution I think!
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Sorry, I was out this weekend. I’m glad you were able to find a consistent way to reproduce the error. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to be of assistance. Thanks for the help.
Thank you Zach, we have fixes in the dependent libraries and code base as well as added tests. It's not yet deployed though so you might still observe this. If you do, please delete all cookies for console.ory.sh and its subdomains (e.g. project.console.ory.sh), and it should work!
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@User what is the status of this issue concerning release date? I have the same issue for my self-hosted ory kratos setup. Since right now kratos doesn't check for the correct cookie, the order of the ory_kratos_continuity cookies matters. If I switch the order of the cookies when simulating the request, the request succeeds. Another interesting thing is that there seems to be a difference between Firefox and Chrome. Chrome sends the cookie of the kratos.example.com first, and then the example.com cookie. This fails. (Both domains have had the ory_kratos_continuity cookie set). Firefox sends the cookie in reverse order, and always succeeds.
I’m not sure how this relates to the original question? What is your issue? Are you using Ory Cloud or self-hosting Ory Kratos?
@User i thought this issue might be related since you talked about a couple of incoming complaints about two
cookies in the browser. If you think this is an unrelated similar issue, I'll make a repost describing it in more detail. This is a self-hosted ory kratos.