This is in the docs: Social Sign Up is currently ...
# talk-kratos
This is in the docs: Social Sign Up is currently not possible for API Clients. It will be possible in a future version, which is partially tracked as kratos#273 But there is also this: kratos#707 Is it a mistake in the docs and does it need to be updated to point to kratos#707
Also is it safe to assume that comments in kratos#273 are no longer applicable to current version of Kratos. It's a bit confusing as it is today.
I also don't understand how Hydra helps in the OIDC API flows. Does anyone have anything solid on the integration or an overview of what problem it solves in terms of API flows.
oidc for apis is not supported yet - so singing in with google for mobile apps
hydra would mean you become the „sign in with <your company>“. you have oidc clients (sign in with twitter) and oidc providers (hydra)
My question was that wouldn't still help with OIDC for API right? Am I understanding it correct