Hi Guys Actually I want to connect the Kratos to I...
# talk-kratos
Hi Guys Actually I want to connect the Kratos to Identity platform of Google Cloud Platform as a identity provider. For that I need the issuer Url So how can I get the issuer url for OIDC in ory Kratos? And please provide some suggestion if any other configuration need to be changed. Thanks in advance
So you want to use Google Cloud Platform as identity provider ? Do you want to offer "Login with Google" ?
Based on my understanding of google identity platform, I think this is the other way around, they want to use kratos as the identity provider.
@User Yes, I want to use Ory Kratos as identity provider in Google Cloud console Identity Platform.
In that case I suggest to check out Ory Hydra, with Hydra you can become an identity provider. Right now the integration of Kratos and Hydra is not trivial, you can find some pointers in the community projects: https://www.ory.sh/docs/ecosystem/community#community-projects That being said we are working on making this integration easier and also offer a managed Hydra in Ory Cloud.
Is ory kratos and hydra are integrated in ORY cloud?
At the moment only Ory Kratos but Ory Hydra is on the roadmap for Q2
We also hold a community call today with the product team, you can ask some questions in #community-call if we should cover them in the call. read more here: https://www.ory.sh/community-call-march-2022/
Okay I will join
is there any way to integrate kratos with identity platform
Yes there are multiple ways probably 🙂 Kratos is very customizable, see this article for an example of how to integrate it with Hydra. I dont know too much about your usecase, but if you could point me to some documentation from Google on what you are trying to achieve, that would be helpful
Hey you can refer this document for identity platform. https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/web/oidc
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Thanks Sanket, I will do some reading over the weekend, a bit busy at the end of quarter as always ;)
@User We referred the document you provided https://blog.px.dev/open-source-auth/#new-authentication-flow-with-kratoshydra and got the information that kratos supports login with identity providers ie Google Identity Platform. Which is our need So, can you provide us a documents or any reference for integrating ORY KRATOS with GOOGLE IDENTITY PLATFORM. Also can you just help us to know that is there any docs to know fully integrated Ory Hydra with Ory Kratos. Refered it from the Provided Docs:- (https://blog.px.dev/open-source-auth/#new-authentication-flow-with-kratoshydra) What is Kratos? At a high level, Ory's Kratos is an open source system for identity and user management. Kratos supports registration, login, authentication, and other user-related tasks, all through a convenient REST API. At the moment, Pixie only uses Kratos for username/password-based authentication, but Kratos also supports login with third-party identity providers through OIDC (ie Google Identity Platform). Thanks in Advance.
That article is using the incorrect Google product name or it's just written in a confusing way. Google do have an OAuth 2.0 system which can act as an OIDC provider, but it's not called Google Identity Platform. Google Identity Platform is firebase underneath and isn't an OIDC provider. Neither Kratos nor Google Identity Platform are themselves an OIDC provider. You need Hydra for that.
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See this document how to integrate "Login with Google" using the Google OIDC provider: https://www.ory.sh/docs/kratos/guides/sign-in-with-github-google-facebook-linkedin#google @User As Peter pointed out correctly the Google Identity Platform is not an OIDC provider. The confusion probably stems from different product names and concepts mixed together. If you want to become an OIDC provider, as pointed out above you need Ory Hydra. If you want to consume OIDC -> Ory Kratos If you want to serve OAuth2/OIDC -> Ory Hydra
any docs to know fully integrated Ory Hydra with Ory Kratos.
There are no full docs for that, as we are working on making this integration more seamless. Look at these in the meantime for pointers: https://github.com/atreya2011/go-kratos-test https://github.com/ory/kratos-selfservice-ui-node/tree/hydra-integration-2021
Hii @User The comments of yours and @User will help me a lot for the future reference of integrating ORY. Can you just let me know when the whole integration will completed for ory kratos and ory hydra. The document you have provided to go through i.e. Pixie cloud (https://blog.px.dev/open-source-auth/#new-authentication-flow-with-kratoshydra). Is this integrated for kratos and hydra? If yes please share the details here with me. And if there is any other third party present who provide these integration please let me know. Thanks in advance