Anyone used Ory Kratos in a browser extension?
# talk-kratos
Anyone used Ory Kratos in a browser extension?
Hello Amos, sorry for the late answer, but AFAIK this has not come up before. I would be interested in your use case so if you want to share a bit of details, feel free to reach out to me!
I wanted to be able to log in to my browser extension ini the popup. Didn’t seem possible so I switched to another auth provider than Ory
Fair enough, I dont know much about building browser extensions tbh. I figure its also possible using Ory Kratos, but I would not know how. Thanks for your feedback Amos
Idk as the nextjs example that I was basing it off of gets stuff from query params and idk if that is possible with a browser extension
It was much easier to use something like Supabase instead so I didn’t bother researching any further
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