In a perfect world, I'd be able to use Kratos for ...
# talk-kratos
In a perfect world, I'd be able to use Kratos for social sign-in with the following features: 1. Trivial linking of multiple social logins 2. Able to link social logins that use different emails a. e.g. github with and google with linked to the same Kratos identity 3. Able to have different identities for different social logins with the same email a. e.g. github with and google with linked to different Kratos identities 4. Able to link social logins of the same site with different emails a. e.g. github with and github with linked to the same Kratos identity 5. Able to link already-registered social logins a. Implies being able to merge existing Kratos identities 6. Able to register with a social login without reading user email at all Can someone from Ory chime in on how realistically I can achieve each of these with Kratos now or in the foreseeable future?
I am also looking for the same answers.
Hey folks, apologies for the late answer.
Can someone from Ory chime in on how realistically I can achieve each of these with Kratos now or in the foreseeable future?
tl;dr: Yes you can achieve this with Ory Kratos right now 😉 1. Trivial linking of multiple social logins Yes that is possible, see this document. 2. Able to link social logins that use different emails a. e.g. github with and google with linked to the same Kratos identity That should be no problem, since the primary identifier is the
field (
is linking the OIDC credentials to an identity), see this document.
Copy code
the ID Token body (or the OAuth2 equivalent) returned by the OpenID Connect provider contains:
  "sub": "some-identity-id-4hA8gk",
  "email": "<|>",
  "website": "<>"
which is then being used for the identity's traits.
3. Able to have different identities for different social logins with the same email a. e.g. github with and google with linked to different Kratos identities Same case as above - interesting use case, do you have a practical example for this one? 4. Able to link social logins of the same site with different emails a. e.g. github with and github with linked to the same Kratos identity Same case as above, use the
field which is going to be differen for each gh social. 5. Able to link already-registered social logins a. Implies being able to merge existing Kratos identities You cant merge them directly, but you can create and update identities: 6. Able to register with a social login without reading user email at all Sure, just leave it out in the claims.
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Thank you vincent, great answer! 🙂
Thank you very much for the comprehensive response!