make sure to update your ory CLI, for example with...
# ory-network
make sure to update your ory CLI, for example with brew:
brew upgrade ory/tap/cli
you can now use ory patch project to configure some things that are not present in the console UI (yet), for example email from_name
Copy code
ory patch project ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89 \   
        --add '/services/identity/config/courier/smtp={"from_name":"My new email name"}'
or change session lifespan
Copy code
ory patch project ecaaa3cb-0730-4ee8-a6df-9553cdfeef89 \
--replace '/services/identity/config/session/lifespan="48h"'
🙌 3
There is also an official documentation here: We are working on adding new guides and so on, would love to hear your feedback ❤️ For reference, this is the full Ory Kratos configuration that is now (for the most part) available to tweak