It looks like Cloud only supports Google/FB/MS/GH ...
# ory-network
It looks like Cloud only supports Google/FB/MS/GH for social login; a 'custom' provider has to be OIDC-compatible, right? So Kratos' accommodations for non-OIDC providers (e.g. Discord) are not available in Cloud right now?
Discord is supported, but hasn’t been added to Console UI yet. In open source you’d set it up like this: If I’m not mistaken, through the CLI you could now enable this directly for your cloud project, with the only drawback that it won’t be shown in the UI (yet). When it does get added, and you’ve configured it through the CLI, it will show up with your configuration automagically.
@User as @User says, you can do it through the cli 🙂
Thanks folks!