Hi all. Is there any way to apply new rules during...
# talk-oathkeeper
Hi all. Is there any way to apply new rules during runtime, or does it always do a read-once on boot and that’s it? I want to use a third party in our network to provide rules for our multiple apps to oathkeeper as they come online; think how traefik does it with container labels. Is this even possible?
Hello. It depends on your configuration but oathkeeper applies rules easily once you change them. You don’t need to restart oathkeeper to apply new rules
At least it works fine when you edit current configuration. Oathkeeper supports hot-reload
That’s great to know, thanks @User. I read the following from the docs “_Locations (list of URLs) where access rules should be fetched from on boot._” and took it quite literally.
I found that filewatchers works for local file system. I’m not sure that they work on remote based configurations
Thanks, I’ll bear that in mind. I may prepare an instance per app in actuality, as it would probably be easier.