Hi :wave:, Can anyone help me regarding <this issu...
# talk-oathkeeper
Hi 👋, Can anyone help me regarding this issue? I'm trying to call
Hydrator mutator
that returns two additional headers. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any help much appreciated 😃
🙌 1
Hi @User I experience the same issue, I have created a discussion for this, https://github.com/ory/oathkeeper/discussions/942
Great, hopefully someone will help us 😃
yes would be great 🙂@User has offered to look into this 👍
@User, if I can help with additional info about use case and config feel free to ask 😃
Hey @User and @User, the issue is the same for both of you? Could you post your config in the GitHub Discussion please?
Hey @User, I posted my configs in discussion. If anything else is needed please let me know.
👍 1
@User I have also added my configuration and some logs from the microservice that provides the information for the hydrator, hope this helps 🙂
Thanks yea, i will see if I can reproduce and respond in the discussion. I linked some older discussions/threads that you can read, maybe there is something useful I missed.