I'm having a problem with csrf_token. I see the `c...
# talk-kratos
I'm having a problem with csrf_token. I see the
cookie is transmitted OK and I'm not attaching any
in the POST data:
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const onRegister = () => {
    return Kratos.completeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithPasswordMethodRaw(
        flow: router.query.flow?.toString(),
        body: { password: "password", email: "<mailto:email@example.pl|email@example.pl>", name: { first: "first", last: "last" } }
      .then(() => {
      }).catch(e => console.error("ERROR", e))
Kratos error
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level=error msg=An error occurred while handling a request audience=application error=map[debug: details:map[docs:<https://www.ory.sh/kratos/docs/debug/csrf> hint:The anti-CSRF cookie was found but the CSRF token was not included in the HTTP request body (csrf_token) nor in the HTTP Header (X-CSRF-Token). reject_reason:The HTTP Cookie Header was set and a CSRF token was sent but they do not match. We recommend deleting all cookies for this domain and retrying the flow.] message:the request was rejected to protect you from Cross-Site-Request-Forgery reason:The request was rejected to protect you from Cross-Site-Request-Forgery (CSRF) which could cause account takeover, leaking personal information, and other serious security issues. status:Forbidden status_code:403] http_request=map[headers:map[accept:*/* accept-encoding:gzip, deflate, br accept-language:en,pl;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8 connection:keep-alive content-length:76 content-type:application/json cookie:csrf_token_82b119fa58a0a1cb6faa9738c1d0dbbf04fcc89a657b7beb31fcde400ced48ab=04yNxJpTkHv9VY0ChiMar1V0IX8vpt5XcPCzOHZS37c= origin:<http://localhost:3001> referer:<http://localhost:3001/> sec-ch-ua:" Not;A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="97", "Chromium";v="97" sec-ch-ua-mobile:?0 sec-ch-ua-platform:"Linux" sec-fetch-dest:empty sec-fetch-mode:cors sec-fetch-site:same-site user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36] host:localhost:4433 method:POST path:/self-service/registration/methods/password query:flow=f4d1c01f-0f74-47d4-8d7b-a37e15404d3d remote:[::1]:43640 scheme:http] http_response=map[status_code:403] service_name=Ory Kratos service_version=v0.8.2-alpha.1
I'm generating ts-fetch client, credentials set to 'include', using next.js I just don't know how to set the
so it matches the cookie.
Long time no see, glad to see you around 🙂
Can you show how you init the SDK?
It's my n-th project with ory 😄 My only init code:
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let params: ConfigurationParameters = {
  basePath: "<http://localhost:4433>",
  credentials: 'include',

export default new PublicApi(new Configuration(params))
and it works, cookies are included
Ah, i believe your body does is missing the CSRF Token parameter
csrf_token: "..."
The SDK is not really good at echoing response errors but you can check
.catch(err => err.response.data)
for the full output. For CSRF errors, it should include a detailed explanation what's missing.
By the way, not sure if you're interested, but since you've been here since 2016 (? ^^) maybe you'd be interested in writing a small blog post how you've seen Ory evolve? ofc you can backlink to your company / project 🙂 @User would probably be quite excited to see such a story :)
And this csrf_token shoud be set to the cookie value?
In the first call where you have
it returns a number of nodes in
and one of them is a node with name "csrf_token". you have to use that one
returns a redirection, there's no body with csrf_token inside.
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import { useRouter } from 'next/router'


  const onRegisterStart = () => {
    return Kratos.initializeSelfServiceRegistrationViaBrowserFlowRaw()
      .then(({ raw }) => {
      }).catch(e => console.error(e))
This redirects to the right URL with the flow id in query.
Would love to see the perspective of such a longtime user, if you are interested let me know Janek! We could e.g. do a short overview of what you built with Ory, I am gathering material for an open source showcase also.
I have the same problem with CSRF token in my react example at the moment @User 😞.
😅 1
@User sorry, in that case I meant when you get the flow, so
Now I get it! I didn't even know that I should make this call :D
I see the
in the response
ok nice 🙂
I'm still getting the same error. This is what happens when user clicks "Register" button:
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const onRegister = () => {
    return Kratos.getSelfServiceRegistrationFlowRaw({ id: router.query.flow?.toString() || "" })
      .then(r => r.raw.json())
      .then(r => {
        console.log("R", r.ui.nodes[0])
        console.log("V", r.ui.nodes[0].attributes.value)
        return Kratos.completeSelfServiceRegistrationFlowWithPasswordMethodRaw(
            flow: router.query.flow?.toString(),
            body: {
              csrf_token: r.ui.nodes[0].attributes.value,
              password: "password", traits: { email: "<mailto:email@email.com|email@email.com>", name: { first: "fir", last: "las" } }
      .then(() => {
      }).catch(e => console.error(e))
I fear I oversimplify things. Can body be passed as JSON like this?
I think fallowing this example will solve all my problems: https://github.com/ory/kratos-selfservice-ui-react-nextjs Thanks
🙏 1
@User Did you manage to resolve this? We have a similar issue.
Not yet, although I'm pretty sure that the problem lies in the format of the data that gets sent. Kratos seems to use content-type header and expect form data
@User I think csrf_token related problems deserve a separate channel on slack :D
haha yeah…i don't know how to improve the docs, so you have an idea?
My only problem is that I don't really know: • if the crsf_token and cookie should be the same • should I encode data like a form or json
And the flows do not contain the names of the functions that need to be called. That would save you a lot of explaining :D
But honestly the amount of doc available on Ory's site is really impressive
🙌 1
And the flows do not contain the names of the functions that need to be called. That would save you a lot of explaining :D
could you elaborate? :)
happy to help on the docs once we figure this out 🤷‍♂️ . We seem to be struggling. We’re now at the point where we have the cookie being set in the browser by redirecting to, but we’re struggling to send it through to the 
 in our Vue app to fetch the registration form data.
ah got it! we'll be soon adding some proper sdk examples..
so not like heres how the flow works
but rather heres a guide to implement the login screen