Hi guys, I’m having a problem after deploying my f...
# talk-kratos
Hi guys, I’m having a problem after deploying my frontend and backend that the frontend does not send cookies to the backend. It works fine locally, and I’m not sure it has anything to do with Ory, but anyway… anyone encounter anything similar? I had problems with CORS before, but managed to solve that by putting my backend on a subdomain, but then I got this issue 😕 I’m using Ory Cloud if that is of any use
Hello Amos, would you be open to file this as a bug report on GitHub? https://github.com/ory/cloud/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=BUG-REPORT.yml
Sure, just wasn’t sure it had anything to do with Ory or my code 😛
I am not sure either right now, are you using Ory Proxy or a custom domain name?
I’ve set up a custom domain name, but am currently not using it, as I encountered a different error when doing so
Not using Ory Proxy
Ok, lets figure this out together with the cloud team in the bug report! Feel free to ping me also, my github handle is vinckr.