Hi, I have a small question I have run Ory Kratos ...
# talk-kratos
Hi, I have a small question I have run Ory Kratos using the following command in docker docker-compose -f quickstart.yml -f quickstart-standalone.yml up --build --force-recreate Now I am using scoop for windows so how to run the above command in using scoop in windows ? like what to change in above command ?
I’m not Windows user but I assume that you can convert your docker compose file to single line commands. 1.
kratos migrate
runs migration against the specified database 2.
kratos serve
runs kratos on
ports by default You need to fix your config files and specify correct path for both identity.schema and kratos.yml
The open question is now to run self-service-ui-node and mailslurper
But the example above is enough to run standalone copy of Ory Kratos
I am new to this platform so could you please suggest how to write this command without using docker ? docker-compose -f quickstart.yml -f quickstart-standalone.yml up --build --force-recreate
I suggest to use docker because it runs multiple components required for quickstart demo
Hi, Yeah I used it but now I am not being able to because I am using windows server which is not supporting docker