Thanks a lot to the Ory team for this new release!...
# talk-keto
Thanks a lot to the Ory team for this new release! I wanted to try it out immediately, but I think the helm charts have not been updated yet. I get an error that the flag
is unknown in Can this be fixed easily and if so, are there any other issue to expect, or would everything work fine when this particular issue is solved?
the charts are not updated yet, true
Because the database schema changed significantly, and it is not possible to have SQL-only migrations, there is a special migration procedure needed to upgrade from Ory Keto v0.6. Please follow the migration guide ( and, as always, read the changelog ( before upgrading.
is not required anymore, and the data have to be migrated with a bit of caution
Okay, thanks @steep-lamp-91158. So if I remove --all-namespaces from the helm chart and I start a new clean system, then everything should work?
I think so, yes
👍 1