Hi Ory Community, I am completely new to the Ory-...
# talk-keto
Hi Ory Community, I am completely new to the Ory-Stack and wanted to give Keto a try as it seems a perfect fit for our use-case. While running the Docker image of version
and playing around with it using the example from here, I noticed that when adding a relation-tuple with a namespace, that is not defined beforehand in the config, a runtime error due to a nil pointer dereference is thrown causing the server to exit. Since its basically my first day using keto, I wanted to dig into the code and check it / try to reproduce properly before raising any issue. While I was able to setup the project locally, I could not find any advice which config file to use, for local development. Can anyone give some guidance / hints here? Thx in andvance.
👍 1
Hey Patrik, oh, that was easy 🙂 sorry, didn't probably see that.
It is not really document unfortunately, but good idea to include that
Yes, not a big deal. As I am progressing, happy to add something to the documentation. Wasn't able to reproduce locally, seems to be fixed already, will figure it out. Thx for your help :-)
Thanks, that would be awesome
@User If you need some assistance with updating the documentation feel free to DM me! 🙌
Hey @User Sure, I will come back to you, but next year as we want to get familiar with Keto first 🙂
Oh ok, for sure, take your time 😄
I mean, I can contribute some immediate stuff, regarding setting up keto with the migrations and keto.yml because that wasnt immediately clear and is little hidden in the gh repo. but i thought as we are progressing i write down some stuff 😄 - also since I am traveling today, I am little bit short on time.
Yes, I did not want to pressure you in any way, just if you are having trouble with the /docs, I am here to help out 🙂
just answered you in a DM with some proposals - can discuss there