Hi Community, I have converted this curl rest `rel...
# talk-keto
Hi Community, I have converted this curl rest
"namespace": "models",
"object": "nermodels",
"relation": "train",
"subject_id": "Aqib"
curl --fail --silent -X PUT \
--data "$relationtuple" \
<> > /dev/null \
&& echo "Successfully created tuple" \
|| echo "Encountered error"
request into axios one
const relationtuple =
"namespace": "models",
"object": "nermodels",
"relation": "train",
"subject_id": "Aqib"
method: "put",
url: '<>',
// data: formData,
.then(response => {
// console.log(typeof(response.data.ner))
for sending the request using react js but when i send the request i get cors error i am using this docker-compose https://github.com/gen1us2k/ory_workshop/tree/master/keto file for keto server (edited) I know it is because of different origins, how can i resolve it?
@User @User @User @User @User
Keto is not secure to expose directly, if you do that a user is able of getting permissions of a different user
ok than how can i access the rest end point using front end framework like React, or i cannot do this?
You need a backend wrapper that ensures the queries are allowed I.e. take the subject from the session instead of allowing the client to specify it
ok than how can i do this i mean which session, the one we get from ory kratos?
Any example or docs for that?
what if i use grpc client, do i need to do this like backend wrapper or subject from session, etc or i can diretly use grpc client with react?
Browsers can't use gRPC It depends on how you authenticate your users See this example of how to use oathkeeper and Kratos https://ory-community.slack.com/archives/C01340V8KSM/p1651824896257679?thread_ts=1651824896.257679&amp;cid=C01340V8KSM
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