Hi <#C012RBW0F18|hydra>, I'm getting this error wh...
# talk-hydra
Hi #hydra, I'm getting this error when I redirect from to hydra authorize endpoint. Anyone familiar with this?
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AuthorizationError: The state is missing or does not have enough characters and is therefore considered too weak. Request parameter 'state' must be at least be 8 characters long to ensure sufficient entropy.
For ref: I'm using this library for creating a client: https://www.passportjs.org/packages/passport-oauth2/
I passed a random string and this redirected me now to login page.
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      scope: ["openid", "offline", "photos.read"],
      state: "i'venoideawhathismeans",
    { failureRedirect: "/error" }
The state parameter is used to protect against XSRF.
Your application generates a random string and sends it to the authorization server using the state parameter. The authorization server sends back the state parameter. If both state are the same => OK. If state parameters are different, someone else has initiated the request.
Does that make it clearer?
Where is this mentioned? I tried searching but couldn't find. It makes sense now to me. But in this case, we'll need to store somewhere to retain the state no?
It is not mentioned in our documentation (yet), but I found this thread on SA that explains it well IMO. AFAIK ORy Hydra already takes care of retaining the state 🤔
This issue came across when I used passport to setup a local OAuth2 client to consume hydra.
So, the flow was supposed to be: OAuth2 client's endpoint -> passport handler -> hydra auth end point -> kratos login and accept hydra's challenge -> redirect to the redirect_to url. When I initiated the flow from client's endpoint, hydra threw an error asking for state.
@User, do you think it can work this way?
Hello @User Sorry that fell off my radar. Would you mind opening a discussion for your last question? https://github.com/ory/hydra/discussions/new That way it can be tracked easier. I think you flow is correct but I am not sure what the issue is, so having a discussion on GitHub seems the best way to solve it, thanks 🙌
Not sure if you figured out your problem yet or not Himanshu, but I've found
(instead of passport-oauth2) to work better with passport to connect to hydra.
👀 1
since I had to use a dummy app to consume at that time, it worked with
value. Did you get any issue with state using openid-client? I'll try openid-client this weekend.
afaik, openid-client sets state automatically. If you want to force set it to true, I don't know if that's possible (I haven't tried). If you just don't want to manage it yourself, I think that's fine.
awesome, thanks for confirming 🙌