So, sorry to beat a dead horse, but what’s the sit...
# talk-hydra
So, sorry to beat a dead horse, but what’s the situation with hydra + kratos? Seems like it’s possible if you write your own work around app, but not clear to me what the work around app is supposed to do or what the current problem is? Anyone have some advice on that?
Hey Michael, We are currently working on making the integration easier: There is not much movement in the issue but we are hard at work in the background 🙇‍♂️
possible if you write your own work around
Essentially you have to do this: Add the Hydra snippet to your Kratos Self-Service Login UI and add a consent page.
what the current problem is
I am not 100% sure but Hydra needs multitenancy to be integrated into Ory Cloud and that is what is currently being worked on.
Hmm, but we’re not using the SS login ui, we’re (currently) directly using the kratos api from our mobile app
🤔 hmmmmmmm
So API -only flow atm? That should make it easier 🤔, but I am not sure as to what exactly has to be done. Best I can give you right now is various community contributed code: