sticking this here in case it'll help another noob...
# talk-hydra
sticking this here in case it'll help another noob, like me the "5 minute tutorial" is absolutely useless ... it's so focused on giving a hydra newcomer proof that it works, that the docs don't really discuss why it works or how you would accomplish the same thing in a production environment ... it's nothing more than slew of ports connected together ... in the end, who cares if the product will run if you cannot actually use it? anyway, this lil' document is not pretty ... it's only goal is to remove the magic port numbers, provide some type of memorable word where they should be, and provide an example of how to actually host the thing in a more realistic environment inho: what is actually needed are a few use case scenarios to show how to actually host hydra in a production environment ... when developers find hydra, the come here because they want oauth/oidc but don't want to rely on a third-party black box ... sadly, at the moment, the current docs are so poorly written that, in the end, hydra itself remains a black box ... assuming they actually get the thing running at all
Hello. Thanks for your input. We’re working to improve the documentation for Hydra. The main idea of 5-minute tutorial is to demonstrate a simple setup, but I agree that going to production guides are missing. I planned to start adding some hydra guides with explanations and more complex setups soon and it would be great to hear feedback from you.
I agree that there’re no guides about production environment setup with load balancers/domain configuration. What else would be helpful to reduce friction for you?