Hi Ory team, thanks for open-sourcing such an amaz...
# general
Hi Ory team, thanks for open-sourcing such an amazing product ecosystem! I was wondering what the differences between the Developer and Enterprise plans for Ory Cloud are. The Developer plan mentions that it is "free for developers", so does that mean I can only use it for hobby projects and not commercial (production) ? A similar model that I can think of is Vercel: where the free tier is actually quite good but we're not allowed to use it for production apps. I guess the main intention of my question is: when do I need to upgrade to Enterprise ?
Yes in essence it is like that. You can use the Developer Plan for testing, PoCs, small personal projects and so on.
We are working on bringing more paid plans between Free & Custom, will land soon 🙂
So there will also be affordable plans for more serious personal projects and startups and bigger projects.
💯 1
Yes for a few users it will be more than enough! Let me know how it goes, if you run into trouble.
Thank you! I deleted my message since it sounds like a silly question
But yeah, thanks for the insight! I'm excited with the upcoming plans and what Ory has to offer!
there are no silly questions Dennis ! What frontend are you using for those apps?
Vincent, just to clarify, in case Ory Hydra is self-hosted, is it OK to be used in a production environment?
@magnificent-energy-493 I'm currently using NextJS as Ory has a similar template. Is it actually possible to use NextJS SSR for server-side flows ?
@bulky-horse-16303 Yes for sure! All software Ory releases is ok for production environments.
Yes it should be no problem @ancient-lifeguard-16039
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