Hey folks! Just came across Ory and looking to see...
# general
Hey folks! Just came across Ory and looking to see if it will fit my use case for a complete user solution. Trying to get a test build working with Ory cloud to see if it can replace the existing Auth0 flow I have been working with, I really don’t enjoy the idea of user based pricing 🙃 So if I can eventually get Ory dropped in as a replacement, handling frontend login and authorising to a backend then I’m ready to dive all in!
Welcome! Curious to know how that goes :) Happy to help you integrate front-end wise
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Nice! We also have a migration guide for Auth0 in the works, so would love to hear more about your experience there.
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Thanks team! I am using https://www.ory.sh/nextjs-authentication-spa-custom-flows-open-source/ to try and get the frontend integrated first to my React/NextJS site, then will look into the backend side protecting API’s 🙂 Will let you know how I go!
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OK I’ve got the front end to a point that login/logout are working, and I think I am starting to get how things hang together! 🚀 However I am pretty stumped on a few things with the backend. I want to use Cloud, but going through the documentation I am confused as to whether I still need to use Ory Proxy or not, and what that would then look like in production. Ideally I would just be able to set the URL to my project and map to my domain. Is this doable at the moment?
Does the npm version need to be updated? I’m getting errors trying to install on mac, and it is trying to install v0.86.0 by the looks of it not v0.1.0
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npm i --save @ory/cli
Are you looking to install the CLI or the Kratos client :)? The CLI is not on NPM: https://github.com/ory/cli The client SDK is here https://www.npmjs.com/package/@ory/kratos-client and can be installed with
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npm i --save @ory/kratos-client
As for the Ory Proxy in production: https://www.ory.sh/docs/guides/proxy#ory-proxy-for-production What are you trying to do in the backend?
On the Install the Ory CLI page it has an NPM section https://www.ory.sh/docs/start-building/ory-cli-install-use/#install-via-npm so got confused by that. I have a version of the Typescript example from here https://github.com/ory/docs/tree/master/examples/typescript-express running locally with Ory Proxy and am trying to test it in a server environment next. On the backend I’m trying to use Ory to protect API endpoints basically and tell which user is making an action. Let me know if easier to take this chat anywhere else btw! 😊
You're right, my bad. Looks like the npm version is lagging behind indeed cc @high-optician-2097
For authorizing API endpoints you'd typically use Ory Keto, which isn't available in Cloud yet. It's on the roadmap for Q2 2022 afaik. You can host keto yourself or store some kind of permissions table in whatever database you are using based on the identity. But I'm going to let someone who knows more about it speak more definitively there :)
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Yep i am doing a permissions table in my database at the moment. I am really just trying to get the JWT to know who the user is and that they are logged in etc because for my use case at the moment I think that will work, that’s all I was using with Auth0 previously 🙂
Hm? Oh the npm release doesn’t work any more?
Not working for me on macos monterey on m1, npm and docker installs both fail 🤷 Manually grabbing the release from Github worked though
What about homebrew? Does that work?
Could you maybe open an issue in ory/cli so that we can track and fix it 🙂
Brew doesn’t work either, and yep will do! edit: created issue https://github.com/ory/cli/issues/131
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