I am trying to get next-edge integration to work ...
# ory-network
I am trying to get next-edge integration to work with vercel (without next.js). but I kinda got stuck, because
type catch-all routes doesnt seem to catch all routes, like they do in next.js Anyone have any experience with trying to integrate https://github.com/ory/integrations/blob/main/src/next-edge/index.ts with plain vercel ?
Hi @User what do you mean by plain vercel?
its only the next.js template of vercel that has a bit different serverless functions. all the other templates will have to use the normal vercel serverless functions
I have a structure like this And then request like:
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curl <http://localhost:3000/api/ory/x>
is being catched, but request like:
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curl <http://localhost:3000/api/ory/x/y>
gives 404
So the integrations work because Nextjs creates the routes for you, see https://nextjs.org/docs/routing/introduction#dynamic-route-segments I don't know what Parcel is or how it creates the routes
Interesting, @User do you know how routing works for plain vercel or parcel? What we basically need for the middleware to work is to catch all paths so
basically, this is what
. As Alano said we don’t know really how this works for the framework you use
The framework we use is vercel, parcel has nothing to do with the serverless functions. Parcel-template is just an example of a non-next.js vercel project.
Yeah, I have not looked into the middleware, but that can maybe reroute everything to the same function
I’m not sure, it’s possible that Vercel does not support serverless functions for non-Nextjs projects? At least I can not find documentation on it
they do support it 🙂 I am using it at the moment
what happens if youdo
i think the url you use might be wrong?
you can test locally with
vercel dev
then the serverless functions runs on local machine also
their cli tool
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curl <http://localhost:3000/api/.ory/self-service/recovery/browser>
does this work?
no, thats another thing about vercel, they seem to ignore hidden directories, so ive renamed from .ory to ory
do you have the repository on github so i can take a look?
the place im working now is in a closed org, but I could recreate a minimal version
its very little code
but you need a vercel account and a vercel project to use
vercel dev
so my repo wouldnt help much, its basically this:
yeah, I can reproduce this issue
wow, fast 🙂
if we got this to work, it could be as easy as it currently is with next.js, for ALL SPA frontends
I can reproduce both that the hidden directory is not working, and that the
does not work either
ive sent support message to vercel, asking about the catch-all path, they support it for next.js, so I dont see why it shouldnt work with plain vercel
yeah, i confirm that that works
however it appears it does not work with catch-all
hm to me it looks like middleware is only for nextjs
because it needs
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hm, that’s unfortunate. what alternatives did you say you have? netlify functions?
I think thats only for type definitions, the vercel serverless functions takes a NextRequest
but not sure
with netlify, it was pretty easy to create catch-all routes, but the requests/response arguments are very different from next-js
do you have a link to the docs for catch all?
with netlify u need redirect + function, I defined redirect in netlify.toml to a function like this
https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/functions/edge-functions#how-to-use-middleware unfortunately you do need next installed. i couldn’t get it to run with parcel
oh ok
ok, that looks promising i think! it’s work to port it to netlify but it’s not impossible because it’s all expressJS under the hood - these providers just add their flavors on top
yeah, if we could abstract away the flavors, could have a shared library for multiple providers 🙂
but netlify is pretty big, so covering that is good
we’ll put in on the roadmap but if you have interest in tacking a look the issue has some helpful content hopefully 🙂
yeah, I will hopefully get answer from vercel support pretty soon. And if its no way, then I will look closer at doing it in netlify
im pretty new to vercel 😛 started looking at it yesterday
this can work yeah, using rewrites, im getting catch-all behaviour
oh, awesome! I have to sign off for today because it’s 7pm but please do keep us posted here! @User or @User can for sure pick it up and add a guide to the docs for “plain” vercel!
it worked, with minimal changes to the existing next-js integration 🙂
just changed to
req.url.replace('/api/.ory/', '')
instead of
only difference is that
variable doesnt contain path here
or wrap it like this
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// @ory/integrations offers a package for integrating with NextJS.
import { config, createApiHandler } from '@ory/integrations/next-edge';

// We need to export the config.
export { config };

const ah = createApiHandler({
    fallbackToPlayground: true,
const apiHandlerWrapper = (req, res) => {
    req.query.paths = req.url.replace(/^\/api\/.ory\//, '').split('?')[0];
    ah(req, res);
export default apiHandlerWrapper;
this is basically the recipe
Oh that’s awesome! Great job! Would you open to through together a small PR for ory/integrations to apply your patch? I can help with any tests etc 🙂
Yeah, but I would have to use it some more, so I know everything works fine. I will build upon it tomorrow I think, so then I will have some more insight. But currently it does seem to work without changing any of ory-integration code, just implement it like in the screenshot above. It looks a bit hacky with the .replace and .split, that is to get
to look like it does when you have a
catchall file in next.js. But the vercel serverless functions are pretty much 99.99% equal to next.js functions. So it's the netlify integration that will need a lot of refactoring of the ory-integration code.