Quick Q: Our current system creates identities usi...
# ory-network
Quick Q: Our current system creates identities using the admin api (we don't let people register). These newly created identities have an associated tenant ID. Can I store the tenant ID in the cookie Kratos creates? If so, how would I get this ID into the token? Through a custom identity field that I fill when creating the identity manually? This is so we can pluck that tenant ID out on our backend and scope requests. Thanks in advance.
Hi @User I don't believe this is possible, what you can do however is: 1. Store the tenant ID in the identity traits (careful if the tenant ID is supposed to be secret). 2. Link the tenant ID with the Kratos Identity ID in your Database
Hi @User This is a bit off topic. Can I not allow registrations?
I'm assuming you mean in the cloud. Registration is allowed by default at the moment. I believe there is an open issue for disabling registration which we will tackle in the near future
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