Hi, When I run the command I got the following err...
# talk-oathkeeper
Hi, When I run the command I got the following error.. I have installed oathkeeper using scoop in windows 2016 server "time=2022-03-28T055530Z level=error msg=Unable to update access rules from given location, changes will be ignored. Check the configuration or restart the service if the issue persists. audience=application error=map[messagerule \home\ory\oathkeeper.json: open \home\ory\rules.json: The system cannot find the path specified.] file=file:///home/ory/rules.json service_name=ORY Oathkeeper service_version=v0.38.23-beta.1"
Are you running oathkeeper within a docker container?
I am not using docker because docker is not supported by my server
Thanks - I ask because the paths look like they're not from a windows system. Are you defining the correct config and rule paths when running oathkeeper?
Hi, I solved the issue. Issue is related to path. Thanks for your response
🙌 1
Hi, I have a small question I have run Ory Kratos using the following command in docker docker-compose -f quickstart.yml -f quickstart-standalone.yml up --build --force-recreate Now I am using scoop for windows so how to run the above command in using scoop in windows ? like what to change in above command ?
Hi, I am getting the following error The configuration contains values or keys which are invalid: (root) ^-- additionalProperties "properties", "$schema", "type", "$id", "title" not allowed
Hi @User I have configured Ory oathkeeper and now I want to use my web application with oathkeeper. I am new to this so can you please tell how to do this task ? My website is running in localhost and configured in IIS Thanks