Hello Can we forward extra headers to the `oauth2...
# talk-oathkeeper
Hello Can we forward extra headers to the
authenticator from downstream request to Introspection Server? ServiceA ->API call-> ServiceB API call is intercepted by EnvoyFilter and forwards request to Oathkeeper’s decision engine Now oathkeeper checks with
authenticator which in-turn makes call to an AuthService Now the auth-service validates token responds back with some extra data, which in the
level get’s added, as
header and forwarded to ServiceB But we have an internal ServiceC(trusted service), it already sends the
but we need it to reach the AuthService along with the Token So how can we forward extra data to the Oauth2_introspection server ?
The workaround I’ve thought of is to pass the extra-data in query-param, which reaches the upstream service ServiceB But this needs to change the logic on ServiceB I don’t like this personally