Hi I have configured oahtkeeper to work as a rever...
# talk-oathkeeper
Hi I have configured oahtkeeper to work as a reverse proxy for my web app. Like when I click on then it will redirect me to my web app Now I want to configure this with cookie session authenticator. I want some help to do this. My yml file is serve: proxy: port: 4455 # run the proxy at port 4455 api: port: 4456 # run the api at port 4456 access_rules: repositories: - <file//C&gt;/Users/test/oathkeeper-demo/rules.json errors: fallback: - json handlers: json: enabled: true config: verbose: true redirect: enabled: true config: to: https://www.ory.sh/docs mutators: header: enabled: true config: headers: X-User: "{{ print .Subject }}" # You could add some other headers, for example with data from the # session. # X-Some-Arbitrary-Data: "{{ print .Extra.some.arbitrary.data }}" noop: enabled: true id_token: enabled: false config: jwks_url: file:///jwks.json authorizers: allow: enabled: true deny: enabled: true authenticators: anonymous: enabled: true config: subject: guest My rules are [ { "id": "allow-anonymous-with-header-mutator", "version": "v0.36.0-beta.4", "upstream": { "url": "" }, "match": { "url": "", "methods": [ "GET" ] }, "authenticators": [ { "handler": "cookie_session" } ], "authorizer": { "handler": "allow" }, "mutators": [ { "handler": "noop" } ], "errors": [ { "handler": "redirect", "config": { "to": "" } } ] }, ]
Hello. You can find a configuration example of cookie_session authenticator here oathkeeper.yml access_rules.yml
Hi, I have configured it but when I try to run in web browser than page is not displaying. I want to config this authentication in my web app which is currently running via localhost/Login3.aspx
Hi, I am getting the error that credentials are invalid when using cookie session. Any idea what is the issue ?
Hello. Could you show cookie_session authenticator config?
The following is my oathkeeper.yml file serve: proxy: port: 4455 # run the proxy at port 4455 api: port: 4456 # run the api at port 4456 access_rules: repositories: - <file//C&gt;/Users/test/oathkeeper-demo/rules.json errors: fallback: - json handlers: json: enabled: true config: verbose: true redirect: enabled: true config: to: https://www.ory.sh/docs mutators: header: enabled: true config: headers: X-User: "{{ print .Subject }}" # You could add some other headers, for example with data from the # session. # X-Some-Arbitrary-Data: "{{ print .Extra.some.arbitrary.data }}" noop: enabled: true id_token: enabled: false config: jwks_url: file:///jwks.json authorizers: allow: enabled: true deny: enabled: false authenticators: cookie_session: enabled: true config: check_session_url: http://localhost/powerview/startupportfolio.aspx?MenuItemId=687 preserve_path: true extra_from: "@this" #subject_from: "identity.id" only: - ASP.NET_SessionId
These are the rules [ { "id": "allow-anonymous-with-header-mutator", "version": "v0.36.0-beta.4", "upstream": { "url": "http://localhost/powerview/startupportfolio.aspx?MenuItemId=687" }, "match": { "url": "", "methods": [ "GET" ] }, "authenticators": [ { "handler": "cookie_session", } ], "authorizer": { "handler": "allow" }, "mutators": [ { "handler": "noop" } ] }, ]
Out of curiosity why do you have the same url used as upstream and as authenticator? I see that
Copy code
check_session_url: <http://localhost/powerview/startupportfolio.aspx?MenuItemId=687>
used for cookie_session authenticator and you are trying to proxy request to
Copy code
"upstream": {
      "url": "<http://localhost/powerview/startupportfolio.aspx?MenuItemId=687>"
Actually what I want is when I enter this url than it checks the cookie "ASP.NET_SessionId" and if found than remain inside the same page which is this url http://localhost/powerview/startupportfolio.aspx?MenuItemId=687 What happens currently is when I click on this url, it redirects me to the login page although cookie was present
Do you have any endpoint to validate the session?
cookie_session authenticator relies on external API call, hence you need to implement it. The design is simple • Return 200 OK if cookie is valid • Return 401 if there’s no cookie
So it means that my config is ok but my cookies are not valid ?
Because when I tried my cookies with postman than I also got the same error that credentials are invalid
Do you use Ory Kratos with Oathkeeper?
No just oathkeeper and my purpose is to redirect to the same page if cookie is valid
Why? I think that it would be better to implement it without using oathkeeper. It seems that oathkeeper is redundant for this specific usecase.
👍 1
Hi, So I've configured oathkeeper with cookie session but now I am facing the issue that when session is available it redirects to only url of my app but I want to fetch all urls of my app. Pls advise