<@U010F2N7G2X> Here's the new PAR implementation -...
# contributors
@User Here's the new PAR implementation - https://github.com/ory/fosite/pull/660. This has been tested fairly extensively within my own product and I think I ported everything that is required.
🙏 1
One thing to note in this implementation is I am intentionally extending OAuth2Provider interface with new functions because I am assuming Fosite is usually the one in use. However, I am happy to add a new OAuth2ProviderWithPAR (or some such interface). Fosite would still implement those functions and so, anyone using the native Compose function wouldn't be affected.
The only gotcha is anyone implementing the consumer (like Hydra) would need to add a -
Copy code
if parProvider, ok := p.(OAuth2ProviderWithPAR); ok {
It's just somewhat painful but is more "correct" from a backward compatibility perspective.
Let me know if this is desired and I will make the change.
Hello Vivek. Thanks for your contritution! hackerman is going to vacation soon, so he might not be able to take a look at your PR before. If that happens it is not because we don't appreciate your work and contributions, we just need a pause sometimes and not many people can review Fosite PRs 🙏 Thanks,
Sure, not an issue. Hope he enjoys the break. Thanks for letting me know