Hi, I am receiving the following error after submi...
# talk-kratos
Hi, I am receiving the following error after submitting a registration flow:
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ERROR: null value in column "internal_context" violates not-null constraint (SQLSTATE 23502)
Errors from postgresd container:
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DETAIL:  Failing row contains (50779730-3761-401a-9379-8981d05c1b36, <http://localhost:4433/self-service/registration/browser>, 2021-10-26 11:56:51.50795, 2021-10-26 12:27:51.50795, , Kg+iGddKODZ0wXiifNdECxFyHzg5S/yjclf+cydMFMBsuFhiL+VwJm/keTzqd9u0..., 2021-10-26 11:56:51.509476, 2021-10-26 11:56:51.509476, browser, {"nodes": [{"meta": {}, "type": "input", "group": "default", "me..., e39800dd-dc2f-4cfe-ab3f-bd9708556ac6, null).
Copy code
STATEMENT:  INSERT INTO "selfservice_registration_flows" ("active_method", "created_at", "csrf_token", "expires_at", "id", "issued_at", "nid", "request_url", "type", "ui", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)
Both Kratos (0.7.6-alpha-1) and postgresd (9.6) are running in docker, any ideas what's causing the issue? I've tried re-creating all containers and images, trying different PG & kratos versions but nothing has changed. I've tried searching for this error on google and here in slack, but found nothing related. Also, when I try to use the latest Kratos (v0.8.0-alpha.1.pre.3), migrations fail and kratos exits:
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warning msg=Migrator: unable to dump schema audience=application error=map[message:open schema.sql: permission denied]
Hello, did you solve the
permission denied
migration issue?
I didn't :<
Ok, I still haven’t been able to upgrade Kratos either 😛
In fact, I have upgraded it just now and it works, but I have no idea what I did to fix it 😧
Ok. glad to hear you managed to solve it! 😄
you had the same error?
Make sure you did run migrations after the upgrade to 0.8.0
Yeah the migrations fail and I had to clear the Kratos DB to fix it in my stage environment, therefore I haven’t deployed the upgrade to prod yet.
So I just reverted everything and haven’t looked into it yet. However I’d like to upgrade Kratos eventually
What was the error when your migrations failed? Do you use postgres?
Yeah I use postgres, failed at
warning msg=Migrator: unable to dump schema audience=application error=map[message:open schema.sql: permission denied]
what kratos version was it?
I think you should try with 0.8.0-alpha.3
I don’t remember but I can try again with the latest version!