1. *id*: 4010002 2. *text*: "Could not find a stra...
# talk-kratos
1. id: 4010002 2. text: "Could not find a strategy to log you in with. Did you fill out the form correctly?" 3. type: "error"
this probably means you aren't getting/submitting the correct data in react. Could you please provide the browser request logs (from flow init to submission)? omit any sensitive information such as domains/ip addresses
The form data keys don't look correct. What is the response body on the GET request?
hey alano that problem is solved thanks for your help.
That's good to hear @boundless-hydrogen-45841! Would you mind posting what the issue was? It helps us better understand what our user's struggle with :)
yes. So when after getting the UI nodes. We basically have to create a POST request with email/password-identifier, csrf-token and password. But along with it one also has to pass the method name in that request which can be an 'OIDC' or 'password'.
Thank you for requesting elaboration/elaborating! This totally helped me fix my issue :D