# talk-kratos


Hi @clean-glass-46254 The quickstart isn't meant to be deployed out of the box like that since the configurations are catering to a local run. Some nuanced configurations need to be adjusted for you to deploy it. In your case the
might be incorrectly configured. But it's difficult to say just based on a screenshot 😉 If you want to see what Kratos is like in the cloud, I would recommend using the Ory Cloud free (developer) tier https://console.ory.sh/registration. It allows for integration with your application and the API calls are the same as a self-hosted Kratos.
@proud-plumber-24205 is this the config file?
or is there another one?
yea, that has to be it. I updated all the urls in there to match my server url. But still 404s.
okay I figured it out


the url keeps adding an auth in the path, but the self service app doesn't expect it, so that's why it's 404ing