is their anyway through which I can get user passw...
# talk-kratos
is their anyway through which I can get user password in kratos. I am creating a form for updating user password. I want to verify whether the old-password matches or not and only if the password matches I will allow him to update the passsword
I do not know any way (I looked for this for another reason) to get the plaintext password, and I can understand that it is not possible and why. Maybe you could "fake" it, by trying to log in the user with the password entered and if this succeeds, call the "alter password" flow? This could get a little difficult, because of all the cookie chaos this could result in, but maybe using the api flow will eliminate it?
@boundless-hydrogen-45841 we have this implemented already as part of the privileged flow - no need to do this yourself
Is it available already? Could use this for an importing task..
@high-optician-2097 I didnt got your point, what is privileged flow can you elaborate a bit.