Hi Guys, We are building an application which basi...
# talk-kratos
Hi Guys, We are building an application which basically deals with two personas (user and brand). Sign up / Sign in for these tenants would be hosted on separate subdomains but we want to reuse the same service and db. So basically a person can sign up as a brand as well as a user with the same email. Does Ory supports this?
This is very easily solvable with Ory Cloud and the Ory Proxy, or alternatively: https://www.ory.sh/kratos/docs/guides/configuring-cookies
@high-optician-2097 What about the backend part? Since we’ll be using email as the user identifier, can we configure ORY such that a person can sign up both as a user and brand using the same email.
Similar to identity pools in cognito?
Really hard to say from the little context I have. My recommendation would be: try it out 🙂 If you find something that doesn't work due to a specific reason, we're more than happy to try and help you resolve it!