Hi, after looking over documentation, it seems tha...
# talk-kratos
Hi, after looking over documentation, it seems that kratos allows users to update password without first confirming their existing one. Is this something on the roadmap? This can be a security concern (anyone logged in can update user password, say on a shared computer). Most account providers require the old password, right?
Hi! Do you mean email address? I mean... That would also be something odd
Hi, no, the update password feature:
Currently, if the user is logged in, they are free to update the password immediately without further verification
Expected behaviour (or at least optional for devs to implement):
This is from an example UI and / or app. Right?
This is from the ory kratos documentation
The documentation in that particular regard is aimed to illustrate and shouldn't necessarily be taken as a boilerplate... production implementation would require some tweaks for devs as you rightly mentioned
Yea, I just didn't see any recommended method to perform this user password verification step, outside of the profile update. As far as I know other than logging in there's no separate password verification endpoint
Remember that the settings flow has a setting called
https://www.ory.sh/kratos/docs/self-service/flows/user-settings#updating-privileged-fields setting this to a value such as 15m would mean that the user would need to first verify themselves before updating their password once the session is older than 15 minutes.
As far as I know other than logging in there's no separate password verification endpoint
No, logging in is the password verification 🙂 and with setting
to a value that's acceptable in your use case, would be secure enough. Example: The user logged in and has a full 15 minutes to update their password. Once this time-frame has expired, the user is required to
themselves again with a login flow. This is enough to prevent someone else from updating their information.
I see, ok
Setting this time works fine, thanks. However, I think it may still be worthwhile considering the instantaneous check at moment of change, since that seems to be fairly standard across all account managers
This time only reduces the window for risk of unauthorized change
Alright, then I would suggest to please open an issue so that we can keep track of it and discuss it there 🙂
👍 1
Will do