although the live demo link on that page returns t...
# talk-kratos
although the live demo link on that page returns this on sign in. Same issue when deploying against an early access account on cloud
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error: {
code: 404,
status: "Not Found",
request: "ebeaa314-d275-4843-8c97-ee3ec13a05dd",
reason: "The requested Ory Cloud Project does not exist. Please ensure your custom domain or Ory Cloud Project Slug are correct.",
message: "project not found"
Thanks for reporting this Umar. I think this is related to a recent change in the SDK
can you try switching out
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import { Configuration, Session, V0alpha2Api } from '@ory/kratos-client'
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import { Configuration, Session, V0alpha2Api } from '@ory/client'
? I created an issue to track this bug
same issue unfortunately
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error: {
code: 404,
status: "Not Found",
request: "b20d9ffc-7209-4d2f-ac67-342d0affacd8",
reason: "The requested Ory Cloud Project does not exist. Please ensure your custom domain or Ory Cloud Project Slug are correct.",
message: "project not found"
for reference
it was some regression problem in the @ory/integrations package
cool yeah i can see it work … can i point as well to a local deployment of kratos by overriding the url ORY_SDK_URL=localhost:4455
also fixed locally thanks