Has anyone found it useful to work with the identi...
# talk-kratos
Has anyone found it useful to work with the identity schema directly in their implementing applications? It seems like a well defined document that could be leveraged in client library implementations. Maybe help the developer more easily map the identity to their internal model? Iā€™m working on a Devise / Warden authentication strategy in Ruby now and Iā€™m exploring my options.
I generate Go types and TypeScript types directly from the JSON schema to use in my applications. Does this count?
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@User Absolutely it does!
Thanks. This is my ugly make target for generating the types. Hope it helps šŸ™
Since I find handling JSON a bit unwieldy, I write the schema in YAML, convert that to JSON, and then convert the JSON to Go and TS types šŸ™‚
Thank you. That is helpful.
I like that. I already write a lot of yaml for kubernetes as it is anyway.
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The YAML file link for your reference: https://github.com/atreya2011/go-kratos-test/blob/main/identity-schemas/service/person.schema.yaml šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø
gratitude thank you
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