Hi, I have set up kratos with an auth app on <x.do...
# talk-kratos
Hi, I have set up kratos with an auth app on x.domain.com and I have a return url for y.domain.com that requires me to get the valid cookie from x.domain.com. I'm looking at this and it says I can definitely do it: https://www.ory.sh/docs/kratos/guides/configuring-cookies Are there any examples in nextjs for this? I'm using the ory sdk like so in the y domain app to check if I'm authenticated:
ory.toSession(undefined, ctx.req?.headers["cookie"]).
when i console log the ctx.req.headers my cookie is undefined
Hello. For you case you need to setup session.cookie.domain variable in your config
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          domain: <http://domain.com|domain.com>
Also, it’s good to have these configuration for you
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<http://kratos.domain.com|kratos.domain.com> -- kratos API
<http://auth.domain.com|auth.domain.com> (auth UI)
In addition you can check out ‘Advanced Base URL, CSRF &amp; Session Cookie Settings’ guide
Thanks for the response Andrew 🙂
Hey. So if we have this in the config:
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    domain: <http://platform.our.domain.com|platform.our.domain.com>
This will set a cookie that is usable on:
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given that we have:
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Is that right?
Yep. That’s right
Cheers for that Andrew. For anyone also following this, we are using Nextjs with the ory kratos sdk. We needed to force the domain in nextjs:
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// @ory/integrations offers a package for integrating with NextJS.
import { config, createApiHandler } from "@ory/integrations/next-edge";
import getConfig from "next/config";

// We need to export the config.
export { config };

const { serverRuntimeConfig } = getConfig();

// And create the Ory Cloud API "bridge".
export default createApiHandler({
	apiBaseUrlOverride: serverRuntimeConfig.ORY_KRATOS_URL,
	forceCookieDomain: serverRuntimeConfig.BASE_DOMAIN,