Hi ory-team, Do you have any advice on how to get ...
# talk-kratos
Hi ory-team, Do you have any advice on how to get around this preflight cors issue? Environment: β€’ Ory cloud β€’ React + vite β€’ using the
(the GET requests works though), altered from the self-service ui repository
Hello. What’s your setup? What do you use as ingress controller(e.g Nginx, Envoy, traefik)
Ah. Sorry. I read the error
Hi @User Can I provide you with any additional information that could help to pinpoint the error? We are currently only testing locally (localhost:3000). Using the ory proxy doesn't make a difference. Also switching browsers didn't change anything (Chrome <-> Firefox). We use CORS Unblock to test locally. Appreciate any help πŸ™‚
I tried adding
to the allowed redirect urls in ory cloud but they don't seem to have any effect.... Do I have to use a
when I use ory cloud? I thought that was only needed when you develop with ory running in a docker container locally...
Ok I actually figured that one out myself after reading this resource. The trick was to only configure the request on the initializing of the self service login flow with the
withCredentials: true
axios option set to true instead of having it on the base configuration. Now fighting again with the
that the
don't match. Any tipps for that?
It seems like the
with the
is not set on localhost, since we do not have secure connection there. Any ideas on how we could get around that, to make it work on local (chrome)?
Hi, after you initialise the login flow can you see any πŸͺs being set at all? And do you pass in the
that you get back from the ui nodes into the
Hi @User Are you running your local setup through the Ory Proxy? e.g. your app is on localhost:3000 while the Ory proxy is on localhost:4000, so chrome should be on localhost:4000 and the requests should go through localhost:4000/.ory
Also make sure your browser, proxy and app must be on the same host e.g. localhost and not mixed between localhost and
@User Hi Alano, sorry for not replying I was out of office due to a covid infection πŸ˜… I do run the local setup through the ory proxy, but my login url is localhost:4000/auth/login. Can I not use a custom route in the frontend? I get a
as a UINode and send it in the post request but the cookie is not set. When trying to use the
flag for the post request it fails with a CORS error. Without them obviously the CSRF Token to validate against is missing...
Hi @User You can have custom routes on your frontend app. The proxy only reserves the
path. When calling an Ory API for example you would have to point your frontend application to the proxy url +
+ ory api (
@User Awesome, following the thread worked! Do you plan to add a react example in the future or should we/I add a pr for that?
We do plan on adding that, but it would be awesome if you want to open a PR for that!
I will do a stripped down version of our current implementation to meet the test requirements. I hope I find some time for that in the next days. Thank you ❀️
❀️ 1
@User could you take a look at improving the docs here - we have lots of questions regarding the proxy and getting cors errors etc. Also @User would like to contribute to the docs with an example πŸ™‚
Hello @User Would love to take a look at your react example. I am tinkering on one myself, but I am not sure if I got the protected route right πŸ™ˆ So feel free to tag me in a PR or DM me πŸ™ @User That is a good point. I have some issues open for CORS. You already have some idea where this would fit best? Ory Proxy Guide, concepts/cors or maybe a Troubleshooting guide πŸ€” probably all of those... Would you be willing to open an issue for me so I can track it - then you can also include what is most important from your POV πŸ™ gratitude merci
Bear in mind that this is a work in progress PR and not yet finished. https://github.com/ory/docs/pull/691