Hi Ory-team :wave:, I submitted a PR last week abo...
# talk-kratos
Hi Ory-team 👋, I submitted a PR last week about the
types. I can see you fixed the issue and it’s been merged in 🙌, thank you so much! We would love to bring the updates into our app to remove the errors we are currently getting, when is the next release planned for with these updates included?
Thanks for looking into this in the first place, did not want to turn your PR down but @User just by chance fixed it. He can also tell you when the next release is planned.
Regarding release, not sure, we have to see, there’s a couple of blocking items right now
Thank you for the PR, I added your changes to my PR because I was working on it anyways 🙂
Great! 😄 We'll keep an eye out for the release