Hello everyone i have a quick question: Is there w...
# talk-kratos
Hello everyone i have a quick question: Is there way to disable the "Unknown email address" process from Password Reset Flow. Thank you
Hello Jose, can you give me some more details? This is the error that is displayed when an email is entered that is not present in the credentials database, correct? And you want to not show that error in the UI?
Hello @User. No this not an error, I want to disable the whole process of sending an email to an unregistered user whenever some tries to reset its password
Thanks @User That makes sense. You can currently modify the content of these emails, but not disable them. Would you be willing to create a feature request for this in Ory Kratos? https://github.com/ory/kratos/issues/new?assignees=&labels=feat&template=FEATURE-REQUEST.yml Thanks 🙏
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sure, Thank you for your support
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