Going through Kratos Documentation and found this ...
# talk-kratos
Going through Kratos Documentation and found this Using Ory Kratos it's possible to consume OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, and/or create an OAuth2 and OpenID Connect Provider by combining Ory Kratos with Ory Hydra . Is there any reference for how to create an Oauth2 & openid connect provider using a combination of Kratos and Hydra ?
Not sure if it helps but we managed to implement our own solution (in go) based on this sample : https://github.com/atreya2011/go-kratos-test.
Check out this excellent blogpost: https://blog.px.dev/open-source-auth/#integrated-kratoshydra-design As it mentions we are planning to make the integration much easier , tracked in this issue: https://github.com/ory/kratos/issues/273 Then we will also create some guides on how to do it from our side šŸ’Ŗ Also see the ā€œRun your own OAuth2 serverā€ post
@User I tried that, also I updated the dependency of hydra (v1.11.7) and kratos(0.9 using cloud) but post that start getting error as
Copy code
  "code": 400,
  "debug": "Allowed domains are: [{https   <http://lucid-lumiere-j7x2l100b1.projects.oryapis.com|lucid-lumiere-j7x2l100b1.projects.oryapis.com> /self-service  false   }]",
  "id": "self_service_flow_return_to_forbidden",
  "message": "The request was malformed or contained invalid parameters",
  "reason": "Requested return_to URL \"/login?login_challenge=2e83b8c3ced14bbaa590e9419a4e1d72\" is not allowed.",
  "status": "Bad Request"