Hello, I am working on designing the access rights...
# talk-keto
Hello, I am working on designing the access rights for my company and I thought that a visual representation of the graph created by the relation-tuples would be nice. I checked out the Auth0 Sandcastle and the AuthZed playgrounds, but these are not at all the kind of graph visualization I had in mind. So I did a quick and dirty POC by parsing the relation-tuples and converting them to graphviz syntax to get to what I wanted. Here it is : https://github.com/psauvage0/ketodot. I'd like to know if this kind of representation makes sense to other people, or if I'm just weird ? 😅 Or maybe I missed something that makes this kind of representation not useful ?
😍 4
That is awesome, had something similar in mind as well. Would you be up to contribute that to Keto itself? Then you could also pull the data from the database directly 🤯 😍
Yes, having it inside of Keto would be better, but I'm not sure what the representation would be. The static graph with colors turned out to be quite limited (I don't see how to represent relation inheritance when we will have subjectset-rewrites for example). I was thinking that a dynamic graph with highlighting on mouse hovering could be better, but that would require to have a browser, and not just a CLI. So something like the [Auth0 Sandcastle Playground](https://learn.sandcastle.cloud/samples/github) ? In that case, wouldn't it be better to simply have a browser UI that could live alongside Keto ? I don't know, maybe I'm thinking to much about it 😅
hm, yes at some point definitely but I think it would also bring some benefits right as it is now, and can still be adjusted later when more features arrive maybe it does indeed make more sense to keep it as a separate project for now, and pull that in when some more features are there
but I am sure that @magnificent-energy-493 can add some pointers to your repo in the docs somewhere 😉
done 👍