trying to migrate from 0.6 to 0.7, and when I run ...
# talk-keto
trying to migrate from 0.6 to 0.7, and when I run
keto migrate up --yes
, I get an error
unable to initialize config provider: open /home/ory/keto.yml: no such file or directory
. We’ve been running for a keto in k8s for a while and have never had a yml file here I think
You config is probably pointing to that direcory? Could you share it maybe? I have no experience upgrading Keto from 0.6 to 0.7 (yet) but we have an upgrade guide on the roadmap; (fyi @User please let us know how it goes, that would be very helpful for writing the document 🙂
That is the default config path (
) in case no
--config path/keto.yml
flag is provided. It should be enough if you add that flag and point it to an empty file.
🙏 1
thanks guys, now running into
unable to initialize service registry: stat ./keto_namespaces: no such file or directory
I’ve tried creating a dummy file/file of namespaces i want to migrate and see
Copy code
unable to initialize config provider: open /home/ory/keto.yml: no such file or directory
~ $ touch keto.yml
~ $ keto migrate up --yes
INFO[2022-02-01T04:21:15Z] No tracer configured - skipping tracing setup  audience=application service_name=ORY Keto service_version=v0.7.0-alpha.1
Current status:
Version			Name		Status	
20150100000001000000	networks	Applied	
20201110175414000000	relationtuple	Applied	
20201110175414000001	relationtuple	Applied	
20210623162417000000	relationtuple	Applied	
20210623162417000001	relationtuple	Applied	
20210914134624000000	legacy-cleanup	Applied	
All migrations are already applied, there is nothing to do.
~ $ keto namespace migrate legacy --yes
INFO[2022-02-01T04:21:28Z] No tracer configured - skipping tracing setup  audience=application service_name=ORY Keto service_version=v0.7.0-alpha.1
Could not get legacy namespaces: stat ./keto_namespaces: no such file or directory
~ $
also, turns out i have a keto file in
but not
ahh, i got it. have to run
keto namespace migrate legacy --yes -c /etc/config/keto.yaml
🙏 1