Good morning, I am playing a bit with the dotnet s...
# talk-keto
Good morning, I am playing a bit with the dotnet sdk from Keto. Is it so meant that the GetCheck request throws an exception on "allowed: false" and then I have to catch it myself to return the "allowed: false" to the client. Like in the screenshot? The "allowed: true" response works well.
hm we mirror the response in the status code (200 vs 403), so I assume the SDK throws on 403 response codes
that is of course unfortunate
maybe it makes sense to have two endpoints.... the status code is needed for integrating with reverse proxies and similar services
I can confirm that the sdk is throwing a 403 error code. What are the next steps? Does that mean there would be two endpoints with keto itself? One is for reverse proxies and other services and the other would be for manual API requests where in both cases a 200 response code would be returned and only the value "allowed" would change to true or false?
Yeah that is the question, not sure rn
Can you open an issue for this?
sure, i've created an issue with an repository to reproduce