does anyone know if hydra version are backward com...
# talk-hydra
does anyone know if hydra version are backward compatible? I am migrating a very old install (running oryd/hydra:v1.0.0) and was running if i can run the newer image?
you will need to migrate your database as part of the update, but it appears that’s likely all you’ll need -
👀 1
so from reading that page looks like 1.0.9 has a schema change.. i will try 1.0.8
(also i noticed at some point the docker image included sh shell)
Hello Anthony, I want to write a upgrade guide for Hydra (just like we have for Kratos) but havent been able to get around to it. Andrew already said it, check the, migrate database and be wary of any breaking changes that might affect you (in general there are very few). Please let me know how it goes and if you run into any errors, as it is quite hard to reproduce a "real" upgrade from e.g. v1.0 to v1.9.
ok, i just went /w v1.0.8 since it mentions schema change at v1.0.9 and it connects to existing postgres w/o error
but i notice it doesn't response to health check..
Copy code
/ $ curl <>
Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server.
/ $ curl -k <>
{"error": "Error 404 - The requested route does not exist. Make sure you are using the right path, domain, and port."}/ $
/ $ curl -k <>
{"error": "Error 404 - The requested route does not exist. Make sure you are using the right path, domain, and port."}/ $
/ $ curl -k <>
{"error": "Error 404 - The requested route does not exist. Make sure you are using the right path, domain, and port."}/ $

/ $ curl -k <>
{"error": "Error 404 - The requested route does not exist. Make sure you are using the right path, domain, and port."}/ $
/ $ curl -k <>
{"error":"request_unauthorized","error_description":"The request could not be authorized","error_hint":"Check that you provided valid credentials in the right format.","status_code":401,"error_debug":": not_found","request_id":""}
i am running this in k8 and testing from another pod
not sure if health check url has since changed/added from doc, this one works tho:
Copy code
curl -k <>