hey guys :wave: I would like to use hydra for auth...
# talk-hydra
hey guys 👋 I would like to use hydra for auth users of my react application which will do api requests to my own api via a JWT. Is it possible to integrate MFA from kratos into the hydra login and consent node? Looks like the kratos ui example only supports sessions but no JWTs like the hydra login/consent node
One thing i’ve done is you can get the session_token from login and use it as a Bearer Authentication and then you can have Oathkeeper as a proxy / decision api which has the ability to convert your session_token into a JWT
hey Cristi thanks for your quick response, thats an interesting approach. So I basically would just use the kratos ui example and use oauthkeeper as reverse proxy for my api which is converting the session to a JWT to call the services behind the proxy? How does this fit using a GraphQL Server instead of a REST API for the frontend? Is it possible to use oauthkeeper as a proxy for a GraphQL Server?
This is what i use. So you can apply this mutator which will convert the session_token into a JWT and add it to the proxied request
thank you very much 👍