I found <mailto:foo@bar.com|foo@bar.com> user, is ...
# talk-hydra
I found foo@bar.com user, is hardcoded in login-consent app, thats why I can't found it, arghhhh......now I understand we must implement a rest or graphql api for our custom login-consent app. Awesome, we are free to do what we like, perfect. Seems odd that we can't find it in docs.....
👍 1
Not meaning to be rude or anything 🙂 https://www.ory.sh/hydra/docs/#flexible-user-management
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Copy code
This allows you to implement user management and login your way, in your technology stack, with authentication mechanisms required by your use case (token-based 2FA, SMS 2FA, etc).
Thanks @User now it makes sense.....I read it when I start play with hydra but I forget it, thanks :)
👍 1
But docs are not clear for me, if they say that we must implement it in our login-consent app it will be a lot more clear for newbies like me lol
I see.. You can perhaps try suggesting that 🙂 I don't remember seeing a
in the docs, but, you are right, it will be helpful 👍
This is a great piece of software, but docs seems a bit unconnected, I done with implement react web, react ionic6 and flutter app starters for ios and android and I lost many hours try to figure out everything, I will contribute with my repo, after I do a simple postgres login-consent app and a simple api with protected route.....maybe this help others like me to have an easy path to connect this basic pieces together
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But I learn a lot in the proccess :)
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I am also using postgres in my sample app. Hope it helps 🙏 https://github.com/atreya2011/go-kratos-test/tree/hydra-consent/config
❤️ 1
Using Kratos for Login management
I will check it tomorrow, but I give up on go, opted by rust, and node, I think node login-consent is good enough for my starter and more simple for other newbies. Thanks @User
🙏 1
I open the link and seems good stuff man
gratitude thank you 1
Join Kratos with Hydra is a mistery for me right now, but maybe your repo helps me figure it out! Grateful for your awesome help man, i own you some beers ;)
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No problem 🙂
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Hello @User Thanks so much for reporting this, I will put it on the list to improve in the docs 👍 your feedback is very helpful 🙌
👍 1