Hello <#C012RBW0F18|hydra>, I'm looking to integra...
# talk-hydra
Hello #hydra, I'm looking to integrate Kratos and Hydra. Is there any reference where I can gain insights to proceed in right direction?
Hey, I think the best place is the community projects, there are some examples that might help: https://www.ory.sh/docs/ecosystem/community/ especially the go integration: https://github.com/atreya2011/go-kratos-test Can you tell me a bit about what did you want to achieve by integrating them both?
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Thank you for the resources. @User, I actually want to create an OAuth Service which I'll be using to integrate into multiple small projects of mine for user authentication. Hydra isn't for user registration and stuff while Kratos isn't for OAuth so making them both work together will be the best way to handle this. You can think as Google Account creation and Google OAuth.
Hydra isn't for user registration and stuff while Kratos isn't for OAuth so making them both work together will be the best way to handle this.
@User I love that sentiment! Please keep me (and the rest of the community) posted on your progress. This might be interesting to you: Building a Google-like IAM system from scratch through Ory products ->


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Hello @User Just because I am cleaning house for the month, did you have any luck - were you able to find a solution for you?
I'm still working on it. The flow that I wrote on the other thread. Stuck on TLS handshake issue.
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