Any ideas on what to try? Can't really redeploy hy...
# talk-hydra
Any ideas on what to try? Can't really redeploy hydra from scratch since we have lots of active clients. (SQL works for creating clients etc)
Hello Karl, Apologies, I can imagine this situation is quite frustrating. I will ask the team for some guidance, but if you could create an issue/bug-report with some more information that would probably help debugging this.
Thank you! Will update the log level to see if we can get some more information and then write an issue if we don't figure it out!
🙌 1
Made this issue now 😄
what schema version is your database at?
select max(version) from schema_migration
based on the migration files it looks like hydra_oauth2_authentication_session is the only table that had a NOT NULL constraint on the authenticated_at column
but that was removed in 20201116133000000000
Thanks @User, as you said, the database wasn't migrated properly! Thank you!