Hello! I was trying to deploy hydra on K8s does it...
# talk-hydra
Hello! I was trying to deploy hydra on K8s does it supports Nodeport service configuration
Can't see why not
Hi folks! Like Dinesh, I'm using ory's helm charts to deploy hydra and example-idp and trying to use NodePort type (in this case, for example-idp chart). Initially, setting "service.type=NodePort" results in creation of NodePort service; good! But port value is randomized, which doesn't work with our cluster configuration. Next, setting "service.nodePort=32010" has no effect. Editing templates/service.yaml to set spec.ports.nodePort=.Values.service.nodePort fixes that, the port is now correct, good! But certain endpoints are not reachable: $ curl -v http://localhost:32010 // returns example idp "you have reached..." welcome msg, good! $ curl -v http://localhost:32010/login // fails with 500 internal server 'invalid URL' error Using the Ingress type and installing ingress-nginx will resolve the curl to /login end point, where it (correctly) times out on failed challenge response... but as mentioned, ingress type is not suitable at this time for our deployment. So I'm not sure what needs to be fixed up next in order to correctly route the various endpoints (/login, /logout, etc.) to the NodePort type example-idp service. Any tips? Fairly new to k8s/helm deployment configuration, so maybe something obvious I've overlooked! Thanks, Nathan
Hello @User Would you mind posting that question in #self-hosted? Our experts for helm charts & kubernetes are in that channel 🙂
Done, thanks!