Hi Everyone, I am new to ory/fosite, getting my he...
# general
Hi Everyone, I am new to ory/fosite, getting my head around to find the how "*Registration of Client/App into oauth*" works in fosite. Can someone point me to Docs/examples for the same. Thanks in advance.
Not sure if it will help but you can check this https://github.com/shauryadhadwal/oauth2-oidc-client-integrations
👍 1
Thanks for the reply :) Had a look into, looks like its more talks about ory/hydra. What i was looking into more ory/fosite 1. Predefined Clients can be loaded while starting the service by using "storage = fosite.DefaultClient" > that will be feed into compose.Compose(....storage..) 2. Dynamic Client Registration is what i am looking in fosite As i am new to fosite, ignore if i stated anything different. Regards